Monday, September 26, 2011

6 Tips to Get Healthy Skin

Dear readers, today two our new readers share some basic information about healthy skin. They want to tell us about hot to protect yourself and keep your skin healthy. They writes some 6 basic tips to get healthy skin:

* Eat healthy foods, nutritionally balanced and contains a lot of water to keep moisture from the skin (eg, melon, watermelon, apples, tomatoes, cucumbers - adjust to your body's specific restrictions).

* Clean the skin regularly every day (morning and evening) and use quality products to meet nutritional needs, protect and renew your skin. Make sure you choose a facial skin products that match your skin condition. This can be followed by the use toner to remove impurities in facial skin before use skin moisturizer.

* Make the process of sloughing (exfoliasi) at least 1-2 times a week to renew the skin layers and keep elasitasnya. This is a major key to healthy skin tips. So do not be forgotten.

* Provide adequate nutrition for your skin using a moisturizer and use sun protection every day. Sunlight can cause damage to the facial skin and a major cause of wrinkles.

* If you have curved lines around the eyes, you can minimize it by using the eye cream is specially formulated for sensitive skin.

You can also share healthy skin tips just email your article on our email address.
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