Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fasting Make Women More Beautiful

Not only beautiful in spirit that makes you look more sparkling, but the fasting itself is physically make you become more beautiful! A friend was shopping the need to complement this fasting month, some additional skin care products in the shopping list, among them the extra lip balm for dry lips, nails creams and hair tonic. These extra products are present in the fasting month because according to him, when fasting is now vulnerable to beauty. Intake of fluids and nutrition was stopped for approximately 14 hours it makes many women cringe at the thought of their skin dull, dry and wrinkled due to lack of fluids and nutrition. This fear is to divert their attention that the actual fasting makes the body more beautiful. Quoted from several sources, fasting has the benefit of detoxifying the body. Expenditure process toxins and cleansing the body system is effective to make your skin more clean and shine, including making the eyes appear more clean and clear. As long as the body does not diasup with food, the body will systematically remove toxins and impurities and clean up any vital tissue.
When fasting is often the case that continued dryness of the skin with blisters. It seems disturbing, but this is part of the regeneration process as well. Dead skin cells flake off and replaced by new skin cells are more delicate and sensitive. Acne is a problem for many people also died down when the person is fasting. Maybe you think this is because fat intake is reduced, but not only that, acne is also reduced because the process of removing toxins could be more effective when fasting so it does not cause acne. Not only the skin, fasting reportedly also effective to improve the condition of hair and nails. Initially it will dry the skin around your nails and hair will fall out, but a more healthy hair will soon grow. The benefits of this beauty you can get to record when you notice any breaking of the fast food you eat. When fasting is advisable to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. Not only to maintain the freshness of the body during fasting, but also so that the body gets enough vitamins and minerals to regenerate. If these nutritional needs are not fulfilled, the process of regeneration to be not optimal and beautiful skin you get even canceled. So, fill your fasting menu with fruit and vegetables, and get more benefits from fasting.
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