Saturday, September 24, 2011

Overcome Problem Skin After the Holidays

Sun block never forget you wear every morning, and whenever possible you avoid the sun when it is hot. But this holiday, Ladies ..! Are you going to dwell on the terrace of a hotel while the others were playing on the beach? Or are you busy with anti-UV umbrellas along the road while looking at the crowd? It must be very uncomfortable. Well, your soul relaxation also need to be as beautiful as your skin. So, make sure you use a sunblock with high SPF, and a good holiday! For the affairs of the skin, here you need to do after the holiday ends.


The reaction of the skin exposed to sunlight is a red-red. After sun apply balm on the red-red skin, creamy formula that will prevent flaking and tight feeling in the skin that is usually followed by a feeling very sore.

Overcome Problem Skin After the Holidays

Dry and peeling skin

Use natural oils are efficacious for beauty, such as almond oil, vitamin E, olive oil and coconut oil. The oil will keep the skin moisture well and will immediately restore your beautiful skin. Besides doing treatment for the skin to peel properly.

Dark skin

Darkening of the skin often can not be inevitable, despite being put on sun block. Not enough just to use whitening products, you have to do a natural peeling with natural ingredients. But make sure your skin is not red-red again while doing this, because the skin is still red will be very sensitive to peeling. Do not be afraid if your skin is peeling, because with it the dark skin cells will go wasted and genuine leather you will come back.
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