Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What to Do When the arm is loose

Do you have a problem with a loose arm and sagged? Of course this is a major problem common complaints by women. Then how is the way to solve it? Read this article because the answer is very simple and may surprise you!

The most problematic muscles in the arm your sagging is the triceps. Actually there are two key concepts for the situation.
First, you need to do exercises to reduce fat in this area so that the arm will come back fast. Your body stores fat. Women store fat in almost every part of her body. While the men keep most of the fat in the abdomen. But with anything, you can and will store fat wherever. So, the first thing you want to do is ... Reduce your body fat!

Second, in order to arm you into tight areas, you need to build your arm muscles. There are several exercises you can do to build muscle in the triceps area, between laim

Weighted dips
Close grip bench press
Close grip push-ups
Lying barbell French press
Overhead cable extensions
Cable press downs
Reverse cable press downs

Many people are stuck on the idea that in order to get rid of fat in problem areas, they only need to do some exercises in that area. But that's only half the solution.

By training the targeted area and all other body areas to reduce body fat, you will get two times faster progress and look twice as fast.

For example, you only train your arms furiously. Certain muscles will be stronger, but may not be visible if your body fat levels are still high that cover the muscles.

As you can see, by doing both, you will build the triceps and make it more visible when the layer of fat covering it decreases. In short, what can be done by this is to reduce the fat on your body and build muscle which will make parts of your arms look more toned. Good luck!
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